Sunday, 29 November 2009

Quiet Week

Most of this week, my various email inboxes have been unbelievably silent. Not even much in the way of spam.

I hope this trend does not continue after Thanksgiving weekend, and that people begin coming back online. Otherwise the internet may have to close out of lack of interest.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Approaching Vedic Mathematics

Vedic Mathematics is a mathematical philosophy derived from study of the Vedas, the sacred Sanskrit Hindu texts. The philosophy has a number of highly practical techniques, known as Sutras, with hard mathematical applications: one Sutra called "All from 9 and the last from 10" is applied quickly in obtaining numerical complements in subtraction:-

4457 -

Sixteen Sutras exist, each finding uses in various parts of mathematics. A comment I made just now to a post on the Vedic Mathematics blog, however, has emphasised that you do not need to know all sixteen by name and all at once. You only need to know a couple at a time, to become familiar with them, and move on to others until you are familiar with the lot of them.

You can take your time learning VM, and as I commented:-

So it is okay to go slowly when approaching Vedic Mathematics, as a husband may approach his wife on their wedding night, knowing that Vedic Mathematics is a loving partner who will be with you, and faithful to you, forever.

Vedic Mathematics India Forum blog

Monday, 16 November 2009

RIP Edward Woodward

The actor Edward Woodward died today. He was 79.

It is a very sad day today.

That is all.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Doctor Who: The Waters Of Mars

I just watched the latest episode of Doctor Who on BBC1. "The Waters of Mars" just made its debut on British terrestrial TV, and my word it was terrifying.

Oh, but what an ending. I felt shocked. That must be the first time I have ever felt shocked by Doctor Who since "The Seeds of Doom" with Tom Baker.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Storms Battering the UK

The weather has been bad all week. But it has become windy as well these past few hours.

I noticed some minor damage in front of my folks' house when I paid them a visit. The winds have knocked over a plant and broken the pot it was resting in.

It's worse down South, so I hear.

I hope that this is not yet another early sign of global warming.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

A Thought To Think Upon

"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much."
-- Walter Lippmann

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Just Testing

If a = n1x, then

b = n2a is also a multiple of x.