Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Thought of the Day

The following image comes from the BBC's website.

Reading between the lines, it looks like:-

1) Nick Clegg's accusing Brown of ignoring him. ("Oi! DON'T look away from - are you bloody looking away - OI! Don't bloody sit there and blank me again!")

2) Brown IS ignoring him.

3) The fight for Number 10 does not involve Clegg at all - it is between the very solid Brown, and a half-transparent Tory ghost.

4) The more people believe in the ghost, the more he can manifest through the barrier separating him from the real world. Look! He's already garnered enough belief from the cultists to manifest a hand, kind of.

5) Not even 24 hours, and I'm sick to the back teeth of the bloody lot of them already.